Thursday, 20 October 2016

5 Benefits of Market Research Surveys

Nothing can beat the power of information that comes through from market research. Your findings can help guide your business decisions and save you from taking expensive risks. By using market research software to administer survey research, marketers can gather relevant data. Modern-day survey software providers can offer you all modes of survey research, such as paper surveys, online surveys, phone surveys and mobile surveys.

The easy availability of these solutions have led to the mushrooming of quantitative surveys to collect data, analyze it and use it to draft strategies for a strong business model, among other things. If done correctly, survey research can give start-ups and existing organizations wide-ranging benefits, such as:

Benefits of Market Research Surveys:

1. To Spot Business Opportunities: Market research surveys might throw up that the new product you are designing is not what the market currently wants or requires. With this information, you can either modify your product or scrap it entirely and think of another.

2. To Establish Trends: If you conduct market research in an ongoing manner, you will see that you have sufficient data to analyze your clients' needs and set up specific trends.

3. To determine The Most Credible Brand Promise: Out there in the market, every brand needs to offer its customers a promise. Whatever a client decides to have as a promise must be simple and only market research can define the promise behind your brand.

4. To Be Available in Several Modes: You can create and conduct surveys in a variety of modes such as online surveys, mobile surveys, face-to-face interview surveys, social media surveys, etc. This helps you reach out to many more people. In fact, by using a mix of these modes, you can increase your reach manifold.

5. To Minimize Costs for the Client: The cost of an online or mobile survey is relatively low per respondent. Even if you give respondents incentives to answer the survey, the cost of each response is much lower than conducting a phone survey, besides which the number of responses you can get may well, be in thousands.

Conclusion: Market research is therefore an invaluable tool that though seems slow and expensive, is nothing short of a basic investment. It's a great way to maximize your returns.